I've been stocking Ana Rose Studio products since the beginning of this year after finding her work on instagram and falling in love!
During the Covid lockdown it seemed like a large number of Jesmonite brands popped up but Ana's really stood out to me. Her attention to detail and professional finish to her products is unmatched and she's also such a friendly and lovely human!
Ella sat down (virtually!) with Ana to find out more about her and her brand...
Q: Can you tell us a little bit more about Ana Rose Studio. I read on your website that you started out with up-cycling furniture, how did you get into this?
A: After losing my job due to COVID in October I decided to use my time to do what I love: creating. During the first lockdown I could see so many antique pieces of furniture being thrown away and it really broke my heart. I thought I could show people that an old chest of drawers for example can be turned into something more modern and beautiful if you put the time and effort. I have started with an antique bureau I found on Facebook Marketplace and I loved the process so much I couldn't stop! After that I quickly started my Terrazzo homeware collection to run alongside. I had lot of down time while the paint was drying so I wanted to find something else to do in the meantime - this was perfect and brings me so much happiness to be able to make something of my own hands!

Q: What's your usual process like from designing products, to making them, to selling them on your website?
A: The designing process is usually dependent on the moulds I can find or make. Originally I was buying most of my moulds but now I've started using silicone to produce my own moulds and ensure the products are unique and original. This means I'd source a product, buy silicone and make the mould myself.
The making process can be split into 3 major steps:
Step 1 - Preparing the Resin
Jesmonite is a two-part resin: liquid & powder. Both need to be mixed at a precise ratio to ensure durability of the cured resin. This is also at this stage that I will add pigment to the resin. It would also be the same process to create the Terrazzo flakes.
Step 2 - Moulding
Once the resin is ready and the Terrazzo flakes are added onto the mix, I can pour into the moulds. I try to create my own moulds when possible to bring unique designs to my customers.
Step 3 - Sanding and Sealing
Once the resin has cured, I can unmould the product and start sanding to reveal the Terrazzo flakes - definitely the most fastidious part of the whole thing as it has to be done by hand using wet sanding technique. After that I use a 100% natural food-safe sealer for durability.
Once all the products are made, there's staging and photography to be able to add them onto my website. And the final stage would be the packaging, I've designed all my branding myself and put a lot of care into how I pack the items. All packaging is recyclable and eco-friendly including the ink for the stamp and the tape. (yes Ana, we love this!)
Q: We absolutely love your shell jewellery dishes! Do you have a best selling product from your collection?
A: The shell dish is definitely my favourite product and has been a best-seller!
Q: Can you tell us a bit about your vintage furniture sourcing and interior consulting, and are you self taught?
A: I have always loved furniture and also vintage/antique shops. Back in France (where I'm from), as a child I would stroll every weekend in antique shops and car boots sale with my dad. I just love to imagine the story behind a vintage item. I've also grown-up among a very DIY-oriented family and my parents used to flip houses when I was young - so I've always loved interior design! I'm self taught and I truly believe that anyone with a passion can learn and achieve anything if they trust their instinct!
My favourite part is definitely the concept stage. When I find a thrifted piece of furniture, I have to think about what I'm going to do with it. Find the hardware, the paint, all the details to add - the research that goes into it is very exciting! Obviously the final stage and seeing the before/after is also very gratifying!
Q: Your products are beautiful and the colour palettes are so calming! Where do you draw your inspiration from?
A: Thank you so much! I think my inspiration mostly lies in natural texture and colours, organic shapes and earthy tones as well.

Q: What has been your biggest highlight so far whilst running Ana Rose Studio?
A: I have loved working with other businesses like Pepper You. I've been stocked with Wolf & Badger which has allowed me to sell internationally. And I've also recently been featured in the magazine Molly Makes for a special Terrazzo tutorial - all of these are achievements that I'm very proud of :)
You can shop our collection of products made by Ana Rose Studio here